Learning Outcome (Generic)
General Skills
- Apply knowledge & skills in day to day practice
- Apply principles of ethics
- Analyze the outcome of treatment
- Evaluate the scientific literature and information to decide the treatment
- Participate and involve in professional bodies
- Self-assessment & willingness to update the knowledge & skills from time to time
- Involvement in simple research projects
- Minimum computer proficiency to enhance knowledge and skills
- Refer patients for consultation and specialized treatment
- Basic study of forensic odontology and geriatric dental problems
Practice Management
- Evaluate practice location, population dynamics & reimbursement mechanism
- Co-ordinate & supervise the activities of allied dental health personnel
- Maintain all records
- Implement & monitor infection control and environmental safety programs
- Practice within the scope of one’s competence
Communication & Community Resources
- Assess patients’ goals, values and concerns to establish rapport and guide patient care.
- Able to communicate freely, orally and in writing with all concerned.
- Participate in improving the oral health of the individuals through community activities.
Learning Outcome (Program Specific)
Patient Care – Diagnosis
- Obtaining patient’s history in a methodical way performing thorough clinical examination
- Selection and interpretation of clinical, radiological and other diagnostic information obtaining appropriate consultation
- Arriving at provisional, differential and final diagnosis
Patient Care – Treatment Planning
- Integrate multiple disciplines into an individual comprehensive sequence treatment plan using diagnostic and prognostic information
- Able to order appropriate investigations
Patient Care – Treatment
- Recognition and initial management of medical emergencies that may occur during dental treatment
- Perform basic cardiac life support
- Management of pain including post-operative one.
- Administration of all forms of local anesthesia
- Administration of intra muscular and venous injections
- Prescription of drugs, pre-operative, prophylactic and therapeutic requirements
- Uncomplicated extraction of teeth
- Transalveolar extractions and removal of simple impacted teeth Minor oral surgical procedures
- Management of Oro-facial infections Simple orthodontic appliance therapy
- Taking, processing and interpretation of various types of intra oral radiographs
- Various kinds of restorative procedures using different materials available
- Simple endodontic procedures
- Removable and fixed prosthodontics
- Various kinds of periodontal therapy
Graduate Attitude
A graduate should develop during the training period the following attitudes.
Willing to apply the current knowledge of dentistry in the best interest of the patients and the community. Maintain a high standard of professional ethics and conduct and apply these in all aspects of professional life. Seek to improve awareness and provide possible solutions for oral health problems and needs throughout the community. Willingness to participate in the CPED Programmes to update the knowledge and professional skill from time to time. To help and participate in the implementation of the national oral health policy.