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Oral Pathology and Microbiology

Oral Pathology and Microbiology

The Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology was established in the year 2008-09 and is blossoming since its commencement. The department is one among the best equipped departments and also well-staffed to provide the very best academic teaching for under graduates, deals with patient care and is concerned with the diagnosis of a wide range of abnormalities in the oral & maxillofacial region. The postgraduate training program started in the year 2015-16. The Dental Council of India has approved two postgraduate intake per year.


Located in third floor and covering an expanse of more than 2000 sq. feet. There are two division one for Undergraduates, while Post graduate section is equipped with clinical lab including Haematology, Histopathology lab and Microbiology.



The department deals with the first three years of undergraduate students by imparting the basics of development and histological aspects of the oral and para-oral structures including tooth. Dental Anatomy, Oral Physiology and Oral Histology are a basic branch which is taught in I year of dental undergraduate curriculum. Dental Anatomy and Oral Physiology is that specific branch of General Anatomy, which specializes in teaching form, shape, structure and functions of teeth in particular and explains the overall interrelationships between the oral and paraoral structures. It also deals with dental occlusion and its various interactions while Oral Histology is a specialized branch of General Histology, pertaining to histology of teeth and other supporting structures i.e. the structure of enamel, dentine pulp and supporting structures is taught at a microscopic level.

While in II and III BDS the subject of Oral Pathology & Microbiology is dealt with which aims at acquiring adequate knowledge to interpret laboratory findings, thus helping the dental and medical practitioners in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of anomalies and diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region.


The Postgraduate students are trained to ensure higher competence in both general and special pathology dealing with the nature of oral diseases, their causes, processes and effects. They perform routine histopathological evaluation of specimens relating to oral and perioral tissues, to carry out routine diagnostic procedures including hematological, cytological, microbiological, Immunological and ultra structural investigations. They undergo training to understand research methodology, collection and interpretation of data, ability to carry out research projects on clinical and or epidemiological aspects, a working knowledge on current databases, automated data retrieval systems, referencing and skill in writing scientific papers. They carry out a research work and submit a dissertation during their three year academic program.

The postgraduates of our department have received many awards at state and national level scientific presentations.

Research Activity:

As a part of postgraduate training program, all post graduate students has to choose their field of interest in the subject of Oral Pathology, Oral Biology, Oral Microbiology and Forensic Odontology. 

A total of nine (09) MDS Research projects were completed. 

Library & Journal

Department has latest edition of reference books related to Oral Histology, Dental Anatomy, Oral Physiology, Oral Embryology and Oral Pathology. Library is also having six international journals related to our subject with high impact factors and other national specialty journals. Subscriptions include reputed online journals.

Clinical Activity:

Histopathology and Cytology Section:

The department efficiently provides cytopathological and histopathological reports of oral and para oral structures for a variety of lesions such as premalignant and malignant lesions, soft tissue tumors, Salivary gland Tumors & Odontogenic cysts and tumors.

Haematology Section:

Routine hematological investigations such as estimation of haemoglobin percentage, cell counts, E.S.R., BT/CT, Blood grouping etc. are done on a regular basis.

Biochemical Section:

Biochemical investigations include estimation of blood sugar level


Department has a well equipped laboratory to perform various histopathological processing Such as Tissue processing. The majour equipment include Trinocular Research Microscope BX53 (Olympus, Japan) with Phase contrast, Polarizer, Dark Field etc. An image analysis software is also being used for morphometric analysis. Pentahead Microscope for Slide Discussion for Postgraduate students, Leica semiautomatic Microtome, Centrifuge, Calorimeter, Microwave, Incubator etc are other equipments being used on regular basis.

Continuing Dental Education conducted by the Department

Department have been conducting numerous continuing dental education programme for the under graduate, post graduates and general practitioners on various topics. Creating awareness among public regarding deleterious effects of tobacco usage is one of our main concern . CDE’s are being conducted regularly on concepts in Understanding of Odontogenic Tumors and cysts , Virology, premalignant lesions and conditions and other relevant topics. Staff members are routinely attending Conferences and workshop and are undergoing training in advanced pathological techniques . 

In future the department is getting equipped to be a referral center for immunohistochemical studies of oral lesions and will try to incorporate multidisciplinary research activities which would help in providing apt treatment for the patients visiting the hospital 

Department Faculties

Dr Selvamani M

Vice Principal, Professor

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Dr Bastian TS

Professor and Head of the Department

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Dr Roshin CN


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Dr Suhana HS

Senior Lecturer

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